We are meeting at Promontory Summit, Utah to celebrate the 149th anniversary of completing the first transcontinental railroad, and to create art work to represent the rich history, the ingenuity and tenacity of the American citizens and early Chinese immigrants who labored to accomplish the feat possible
May 2018, Utah
City of Vallejo hosts our artists before they are going to Utah for the painting and the celebrating. May 2018, City of Vallejo, California
Arriving at the Golden Spike point May 2018, Promontory Summit, Utah
Painters were painting from historice sites along the railroad where from Sacramento to Promontory Summit. May 2018, Sacramento, CA
The symposium, and the exhibit of painting that were paining from the historic sites along the railroad
Sep. 2018, Davis International Senter
The Backbone of the Railroad
Exhibit, Sep. 2018, San Francisco Museum of Art
The Railroad Exhibit and the Coferance with Railroad Works Desendants
March 2019, Milpitas Library, Californis
Railroads Book, documentary and film
Painting about the history of the railroad
Exhibit, the 150th anniversary of completing the Transcontinental Railroad